Case Study

Bristol: ft. Art Direction, Branding & UX

Bristol is an institution founded in 1994 in Xalapa, Mexico, it has developed a philosophy and methodology that encourage students to approach english language not as academic burden, but as entryway to a vast array of life changing experiences. With more than 20 years of experience in the field of english education, Bristol has built recognition in the southeast of Mexico as one of the most prestigious institutions in english language education, at the same time has created strategic partnerships with schools in Canada and England, enlarging the learning experience abroad. In 2008, Bristol become one of few Cambridge English Language Assessment authorised centers in Mexico.

Within the last 8 years, Bristol has evolved, adapted and expanded its language, it has defined a personality able to connect with difference audiences throughout diverse channels, delivering a consistent message supported by a straightforward and honest use of language. Since then, the visual communications has been one of the backbones of the company, implementing fundamental brand statements, the institution has designed a visual language that finds its strength in the use of modern typographic arrangements, curated photography and a minimal color palette as a tool to form strong relations with their audience.
